You have a brilliant idea for a mobile app and you are wondering how to develop it? You are in the right place! Imagine: your idea transformed into a must-have app on every smartphone. At Nubios, we will guide you through the essential steps of creating mobile apps. From design to publishing on the Play Store or Apple Store. Each phase of development is a milestone towards the success of your business.


Step 1: Idea and Develop Planning

Before diving into development, it is crucial to plan your project well. Start by identifying your target audience and studying the competition. Use this data to refine your idea and create a detailed specification.

What problem does my mobile app develop solve?

Getting started in the world of mobile development requires a clear vision: what specific challenge does your app seek to solve? This could be something simple, like helping people find local restaurants, or something more complex, like mobile app development dubai. The goal is to create a solution that provides real value to your users.

Who are my target users?

Identifying your target audience is one of the most important steps to ensure the success of your digital project. You need to know who you are addressing in order to adapt the features, design, and overall interfaces of your application.

Use market analysis tools to collect data on the age, gender, preferences, and needs of your audience. Also, listen to your users’ requests and don’t hesitate to ask for their feedback. This will help you create an application that truly meets their needs.‍

What features are essential?

Once you have a clear idea of ​​the problem to be solved and your target audience. You can start listing the essential features. These are the elements that will make your application useful and attractive to your users.

For example, if you are building a logistics management app, features like real-time package tracking, delivery notifications, and economic forecasts based on shopping behavior analysis may be essential.

Step 2: Choosing a develop platform

Once you have studied your target audience and the features of your future mobile app, you need to choose the platform. You can opt for a native app, developed specifically for iOS or Android, or a hybrid cross-platform app that works on both. It is also possible to develop a web application (PWA) that is directly accessible via a simple URL. Frameworks like React Native and Flutter can be very useful here.

On which platform is my target audience most active?

The first step in choosing a platform is to determine where your target audience is located. If the majority of your potential users are on iOS. This could justify starting by developing a native app for the Apple Store. Conversely, if your audience is mainly on Android, the Play Store will be your starting point.

However, if your target audience is evenly split between the two, a hybrid app might be the best option. On our side, we recommend that you develop apps available on both operating systems. According to mobile application dubai.

Which programming language is best suited?

The choice of programming language largely depends on the platform you choose. For iOS, Swift is the preferred language, while for Android, Java or Kotlin are using commonly. But if you decide to go for a hybrid app, frameworks like React Native or Flutter can be used to code once and deploy on both platforms. This solution not only has the advantage of being available on all stores with a single app, it also helps reduce development costs.

So, choose a language that you or your development team are comfortable with or choose a specialized agency that meets the specific needs and features of your application. At Nubios, we pay great attention to your vision and we develop ergonomic multiplatform applications using Flutter.